World's 1st Leadership Book for Preschoolers

This morning, I'm on my way to be interviewed by a reporter from the Monterey Herald, our local newspaper, who heard about our leadership books for preschoolers.  Last week I got an e-mail from our partner in Dubai, who is very interested in this program as are others.  I'm intrigued by the buzz of the audacious idea that you can begin spotting and developing leaders as young as preschool, as we've had experience more challenging responses from those working with preteen and teens, more logical participants.

A funny thing happens as kids get older; parents become less involved.  In the series of seminars we did in Bangkok, most where parents of the very young and one of my favorite couples was pregnant with their first.  How's that for getting a head start?  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the excitement for developing really young leaders, but I sure wish we could get more interest in that strategic period when cognitions are elevated and character is still moldable, between 10-13.  Regardless, we'll be excited as we see responses to this new module.  Two of the books are now on and the complete kit should be done in March.  Here's a link to this book: click HERE.


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