Global Training Online

In the last 12 hours, I had appointments with people in Australia, South Africa and Peru.  I don't know what's happening in the southern hemisphere, but they really seem to be interested in young leader development.  My hunch is that they may be a bit hungrier than many of us up north or for some reason, they're aware that leadership training is often wasted on adults.  Regardless, I'm stoked.

I'm also excited to announce that we're now going to start doing trainer certification online through live webinars (GoToMeeting) and the use of Skype and webcams for coaching during the minicamps.  My work in distance learning with the Naval Postgraduate School has shown me that with a little tech help, we can connect with people nearly anywhere and offer real time learning.  While we're just getting going, we think this will allow many more people the opportunities to use the world's finest young leader training curricula. 


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