Needed New Business Schools

Last week, I began teaching two more classes at the Naval Postgraduate School; one on organizational behavior and the other on communication for managers, both part of the MBA program.   Our students include up and coming US military officers and from other countries. I'm truly honored to be associated with NPS, which has graduated more military officers (and astronauts) than any other.  At the same time, I constantly wonder about the size of gap between academia and the real world, which is the essence behind our work with KidLead, identifying and developing leaders from the ground up, who can skillfully change the orgs where they lead.

Following is an HBR blog that talks about the current condition of business schools and suggests ideas for transformation.  It's especially impressive, because it is written by a dean of two B-schools.  Kudos also to Harvard for publishing it on its blog.  Strong leaders are open to critique and getting better.  Enjoy:


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