Are Strong-Willed Children Leaders or Not?

On our leadership aptitude assessment, one of the 25 questions addresses strong willed children.  The impact of the answer is that if a child is strong willed, the chances increase that the child possess leadership aptitude, while if a child lacks strong will, it doesn't mean the child lacks leadership aptitude.  

In other words, many leaders are strong willed, but a child can be strong-willed and not possess leadership aptitude.  S/he may just be strong-willed, unwilling to take commands, and unresponsive toward authoritarian direction.  While most adults don't enjoy the strong-will in children, we embrace it in KidLead training because it is often a sign of leadership aptitude.  By nature, leaders must be strong-willed at times to stand up to adversity, push back on status quo, and simply persevere.  
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