Dec. 31 Release of LeadWell Gold Module

Finishing a project is fun, isn't it?  We're putting final touches on the third of four training curriculum modules for teens, now that Holly Bates, a stellar trainer in Canada, has beta tested it with her group.  When I meet people like Holly in Canada and Monica near Philly, PA and Tim in Irvine, CA, and Nicki in Burlington, ON, I'm jazzed because these people "get" the importance of young leader development.  I got to spend some prime time recently with Dr. Madelyn Katz at the Hebrew Union College in LA, about her vision to help develop young Jewish leaders.

Yet, so many who work with youth seem consumed with academics and athletics.  As a guy who teaches at the Naval Postgraduate School, I appreciate the value the strong academics.  But that alone isn't going to make the world significantly better.  This week, I talked to the Chief of Police of Salinas, CA. Chief Kelly recognizes that unless we work on prevention, we'll never get ahead of crime.  The way to avoid bad leaders is to intentionally groom good ones, getting to them early.  We celebrate the launch of 12 more hours of active learning, executive caliber, leadership training curriculum.  Pass the word. 


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