6 Year Old Leader

Most cultures consider leading an adult behavior.  We say things such as "some day you'll be a leader."  The problem is that we wait far too long to develop our leaders.  Take 6-year-old Karissa for example.  Her mother, Dr. Frances Wu, is a professor in Southern California who grew up in China.  Frances recognizes Karissa's strengths and often the challenges that go with raising a leader in the home.  But instead of cursing these strengths, she's now nursing them, developing them as she parents.

For instance, Karissa wants to talk to her Kindergarten teacher about doing KiddieLead in her class.  She's already identified 10 classmates who she believes should be in the club.  She's been watching the instructional video we provide for Trainers (Dr. Wu is a new Trainer).  What causes a child, so young, to be so passionate about leading and learning how to lead: destiny, wiring, genetics, aptitude, social intelligence? We're not sure, but no doubt, some kids come out of the chute, ready to lead and learn how to lead.  We applaud parents like Frances and others who take their children seriously in terms of assessing and developing their leadership potential.


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