Navy Seals & Young Leader Development

This morning I met with a couple of people to discuss the launch of SheLead, a leadership training curriculum we're offering for women to train young women, ages 10-25. The excitement was evident, so we have high hopes for the possibilities.

In the afternoon I met at the Naval Postgraduate School to discuss a research project I've been asked to participate in, looking at the role of women in the Navy SEALs.  In 2016, women will be allowed into combat roles in the US military.  We discussed an array of issues related to what would need to transpire for women to find places in this men-only context.  Whether its church, politics, business or the military, the role of women in leadership roles is changing. We're excited to be a part of this emerging social trend and happy to be providing the world's first organizational training program for young female leaders. 


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